Covid related snapshots
Why is this a SPIRITUAL decision
Over centuries -The people are dumbed down by entertainment programming, fake news altering truth, corrupt education systems - but not ALL.
The fact that the same available data is processed in entirely opposite ways by seemingly intelligent people -but not ALL
This , THIS is PROOF that there is something beyond all this worldly wisdom, richness,understanding at work here - a blinding of truth ,
They have eyes but cannot see
They have ears but cannot hear
Isaiah 6:10
“Make the heart of this people dull,
And their ears heavy,
And shut their eyes;
Lest they see with their eyes,
And hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart,
And return and be healed.”
Ezekiel 12:2
“Son of man, you dwell in the midst of a rebellious house, which has eyes to see but does not see, and ears to hear but does not hear; for they are a rebellious house.
This is how they calculate the data - if a person is <14 days after their jab and got admitted, or died - they are lumped with the unjabbed! ( are you sure it had nothing to do with the jab!!)
But Iam glad
USA- more than 100 million unjabbed in USA alone ,
Globally - close to 1.975 billion, 25% jabbed
- almost 6 billion unjabbed
And the mortality rate, case specific fatality rates remain the same.
But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; 1 Corinthians 1:27
This is how they calculate the data - if a person is <14 days after their jab and got admitted, or died - they are lumped with the unjabbed!
Some of or many of my medical colleagues seem to have forgotten statistics and data driven , evidence based medical practice. Sad to see this come true of some brilliant minds and physicians
Simply put, Absolute Risk Reduction is the only way to identify the true context of something reported in a clinical trial. It’s usually a much smaller number than Relative Risk Reduction (RRR), but it helps you assess the real world impact of a study finding.
Guys , girls do y’all realize
The UN-jabbed are the CONTROL group
All the jabbed are the lab rats group
They are trying hard to eliminate the control group to pollute any outcome analysis
We will loose people on both groups - even with all the deceptive data, cause of death reporting, Pcr tests , antigen tests , there is still a way to analyze this ongoing data as we move on - so far everything seems to be good on the CONTROL GROUP SIDE.
Let’s follow the 2 groups to see the outcomes
Many have been talking about the fda approval
Hope this clears up all of the confusion about the FDA approval vs Emergency Use Authorization issue.
1. The vaccine sold under the brand name Comirnaty is manufactured by a German company called BioNtech in collaboration with Pfizer.
2. However, the Pfizer vaccine that WE get is not Comirnaty. It's supposedly "identical", but not quite. The Comirnaty vaccine is not even available to us yet!!! People are currently NOT getting the FDA approved vaccine when they ask for Pfizer.
3. So the Pfizer vaccine we are being offered is supposedly considered fully approved but gives them a legal technicality of STILL being under the EUA, meaning it still has the liability shield.
Wonder why they want that liability shield so badly?

5. It's a classic bait and switch!
So while the Pfizer-BioNtech Comirnaty jab IS approved by the FDA, the Pfizer brand vaccine is NOT, and though it is SUPPOSEDLY identical, though it *may* be subject to *minor* deviations. Confusing enough?
This deception knows NO bounds.
These people are SICK.
If there are any stat buffs here who want to understand this with a clear head
Vaccine efficacy is generally reported as a relative risk reduction (RRR).
It uses the relative risk (RR)—ie, the ratio of attack rates with and without a vaccine—which is expressed as 1–RR.
Ranking by reported efficacy gives relative risk reductions of
95% for the Pfizer–BioNTech,
94% for the Moderna–NIH,
91% for the Gamaleya,
67% for the J&J, and
67% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford vaccines.
However, RRR should be seen against the background risk of being infected and becoming ill with COVID-19, which varies between populations and over time. Although the RRR considers only participants who could benefit from the vaccine, the absolute risk reduction (ARR), which is the difference between attack rates with and without a vaccine, considers the whole population.
ARRs tend to be ignored because they give a much less impressive effect size than RRRs:
1·3% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford,
1·2% for the Moderna–NIH,
1·2% for the J&J,
0·93% for the Gamaleya, and
0·84% for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines.
ARR is also used to derive an estimate of vaccine effectiveness, which is the number needed to vaccinate (NNV) to prevent one more case of COVID-19 as 1/ARR.
The explanation lies in the combination of vaccine efficacy and different background risks of COVID-19 across studies:
0·9% for the Pfizer–BioNTech,
1% for the Gamaleya,
1·4% for the Moderna–NIH,
1·8% for the J&J, and
1·9% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford vaccines.
There are many lessons to learn from the way studies are conducted and results are presented. With the use of only RRRs, and omitting ARRs, reporting bias is introduced, which affects the interpretation of vaccine efficacy.
When communicating about vaccine efficacy, especially for public health decisions such as choosing the type of vaccines to purchase and deploy, having a full picture of what the data actually show is important, and ensuring comparisons are based on the combined evidence that puts vaccine trial results in context and not just looking at one summary measure, is also important.
Such decisions should be properly informed by detailed understanding of study results, requiring access to full datasets and independent scrutiny and analyses.
The only reported indication of vaccine effectiveness is the Israeli mass vaccination campaign using the Pfizer–BioNTech product.
Although the design and methodology are radically different from the randomised trial, Dagan and colleagues report an RRR of 94%, which is essentially the same as the RRR of the phase 3 trial (95%) but with an ARR of 0·46%,
which translates into an NNV of 217 (when the ARR was 0·84% and the NNV was 119 in the phase 3 trial). This means in a real-life setting, 1·8 times more subjects might need to be vaccinated to prevent one more case of COVID-19 than predicted in the corresponding clinical trial.
I predict that no matter how hard they mandate - including forcing tyranny by threatening
job loss, house loss,
earning potential loss,
school/ college attendance loss
Medicare/Medicaid benefits
Social security benefits
Any federal subsidy
Inability to eat in restaurants
Buy sell in some stores- brick or online
The Max cuckoos that will get jabbed is 75%
The rest 25% will stand their ground no matter what
And these are conservative predictive analysis numbers- both in USA and globally
Let’s watch
Don’t compare these good vaccines to your gene therapeutic shots that are now in the market for covid
They cannot be even called vaccines.
It is like comparing eating apples to lab rat trials!
This is the usual argument on all fake news msm - about how these vaccines have been life savers since the 1900’s - yes these were good vaccines, developed by using the right methodology in a SCIENCE and DATA based approach , not like the crap that is going on now.
Polio- inactivated virus in IPV and
Weakened or live attenuated virus in oral polio V-OPV
Smallpox- live vaccinia- given by a 2 pronged needle dipped in vaccinia solution - intended to form a blister
DPT- vaccine contains diphtheria and tetanus toxoids , and killed whole cell or antigens of pertussis bacteria
MMR- is live attenuated measles , mumps, rubella virus ,
MMRV -MMR and include live attenuated varicella virus
Don’t compare these good vaccines to your gene therapeutic shots that are now in the market for covid
They cannot be even called vaccines.
It is like comparing eating apples to lab rat trials!
This is the usual argument on all fake news msm - about how these vaccines have been life savers since the 1900’s - yes these were good vaccines, developed by using the right methodology in a SCIENCE and DATA based approach , not like the crap that is going on now
The people who push the vax come in different camps including supposedly science based, phd’s, infectious disease, virology and immunology specialists, regular people and Tin foil liberal heads who make Tiktok and foolish video comparisons to tin foil heads on the shill “conservative” camp
I still haven’t had a good science and evidence based person who can argue and debate the case for the vax
Just biased individuals - ALL OF THEM
They have based their opinions and decision on
garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) - flawed, or nonsense (garbage) input data produces nonsense output.
I still haven’t found one that can make a good argument for the vax on evidence based medical practice- NO NOT EVEN ONE !!!
I predicted boosters - every 6 months or so,
more than 1.5 years ago
While everyone at fda cdc were still trying the worldwide V rollout
Before anyone was even thinking about waning immunity
This seems to be the decade when “conspiracy theorists” are proven to be true!
Plebs, line up for your boosters-As predicted very 6-8months as long as they re-commend/command
Either way we are all gonna die- does it matter if you got a boosted death
- oh I hear ya - you want to survive a little bit longer And cdc, fda seems to have the panacea
-God decides if our work on earth is done and when our time runs out - withor without an experimental V
- if I need to be “taken” today fine , be ready ALWAYS
Jesus is waiting to hear from some of you

”Going Direct” reset, financial takeover

Digital identity rollout globally

Social and climate score system

ID2020, UN 2030 agenda

CBDC- central bank digital currencies
Multiple layers of this agenda is rolling out and colliding now
- higher home values = higher taxes
- extend unemployment benefits= more stay out of work and smaller businesses close
- extend renter moratorium = landlords sell/foreclose their property cheap to banks
- higher inflation
- higher taxes on all goods purchases
- commodities sky rocket - including oil/gas
- everyone plugged in globally
- virtual schools, telemedicine, virtual work from home
It will most probably be rushed and approved under suppression of real science and a heavy handed process
with no opportunity to discuss
- as it was always a going to be a political decision and never going to be a science based decision.
2 overlapping event buildup 7 year timelines to keep track of
1. Sept 2020 - march 2028
2. 2023-2030
These National/Global digital identity projects will soon come to pass no matter the resistance , but believers know what it leads to and how it ends,
Corn pop clown and kamel toe imploding as they have to continue their act while getting smeared for every debacle that is ongoing and yet to come.
T is the puppet master controlling the show not just in USA but the world events as all governments after capitulating to him are all stringed along - deals have been made from the NK rocket man, taliban to the ccp xi and more.
One reason for the V is to get everyone into a massive worldwide interoperable database that one day will be coopted by the antichrist - but for now is primarily used to get criminals who have been under the radar for a long time to flip and register into the system.
The medical implications of the V - enough has been written on both sides of the fence to make your own decision about it- no matter the restrictions,mandates, loss of jobs/studying in a college or uni- it is still primarily your own decision - exemptions are either medical or religious reasons - your choice.
Meanwhile watch the puppet show as the strings are pulled- all the talk about audits, racism are all just something to keep people busy while ops are ongoing behind the scenes.
If and when T wants to return from running the show from the shadows to re assuming the role - it will be like the flip of a switch- until then it is all predictions- all the media have already changed allegiance to him and change to a positive narrative in an organic looking way.
Lot of false flag events- supposedly by T supporters, media talking about aliens/ufo’s - all these will happen to keep the deception ongoing.
People who don’t know what is happening and don’t have a primary foundation in God’s word and have guidance from God, will be swayed as houses built on sand - this includes “pastors” who have no idea, in it for a paycheck, or have an ulterior agenda and mislead their folk.
Man’s timeline will change based on event outcomes.
God’s timeline is not going to change - for He is the past present and future - the beginning and the end - the alpha and the omega -first comes the antichrist ( who will be accepted by the muslims as al-mahdi, by the jews as their long sought messiach), for this character will take over world power, position and demand worship and without his mark forbid all buy/sell - those are yet to come.
Jesus returns in end times as King of Kings , the war has been won , let the events play out. It may feel like devil has the upper hand when Jesus believers get persecuted, many executed, but rejoice for our rewards are in the life yet to come - eternal life
We have many roles, many good works to do ,
one purpose - tell others of the love of Jesus, His sacrificial payment of His own body and blood on the cross as ransom for sins of all mankind , this free gift is the gospel, the GOOD NEWS that needs to be proclaimed over and over till your last dying breath - even if it ends as a beheaded martyr or by any other means.
This continue to proclaim.
Many more yet to be martyred
"And when He (the Lamb, Jesus) opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, 0 Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled." (Rev. 6: 9 - 11)
(See also Rev. 19: 2.)
-Pray for all those being persecuted
-Pray for the largest and fastest growing in numbers of underground believers in Middle East and Asia .
Just because the “public” is unaware of something, does not mean “nothing” is happening.
Just because you can’t see doesn’t mean it’s not ongoing.
- the way GOD wants you to enjoy.
- not the way man wants you to enjoy, with fleshy pursuits.
The heart condition can only be changed by God
Good people continue to sow the gospel seeds
- some will fall on hard rocky soil
- some will fall among thorns
- some the birds will pluck them
- some will fall on good soil, take deep roots and bear fruit
Keep sowing , for there is only ONE GOOD NEWS
JESUS holds the sickle at harvest , he knows the wheat from the tares
What you do with liberty is your personal choice.
The way to hell is wide and many are on that path, a majority.
The way to Jesus, eternal life, heaven , is narrow, few are on that path , a minority .
Stay on the narrow path, do not take shortcuts, no matter how short, easy it may look. If you deviate , run back to the narrow path.
You will be rewarded ultimately.
Do not store up your treasures here on earth where moth and rust destroy.
Instead share with those less fortunate than you, that they may see the love of Jesus through you , for your rewards are all in heaven .
The Great Reset Requires Great Propaganda and the Rejection of Logic and Rationality
Disclaimer: You don’t need a course to learn how to be immune to propaganda.
“As more and more people are unable and unwilling to employ logic and rationality, those qualities diminish in importance, and you should abandon them because…they don’t serve you. They aren’t useful.” Jon rappaport
If you’re the type of person who needs this kind of micromanagement of your personal affairs, and if you’re the type who fancies the idea of having unelected, filthy rich European bureaucrats from the WHO, IMF, WEF, OECD, the World Bank and whatever else dictating your life, then the new normal is right up your alley.
If you’re like me, however, and you don’t think you were born on this planet to serve as slaves for a breakaway class of insanely rich control freaks, then you need to make sure that you’re taking proper counter measures to protect the sovereignty of your mind. You must become propaganda proof.
Everyone PLEASE get the jab
The sooner we can get everyone into a DATABASE
The sooner the END TIME will come
TY for doing your part
For a virus cooked in a lab
Catch a cab
Go Get the jab, make the dab, sing a rap
It unlocks the map, opens the tap
To flow out the money sap
They have a cap
“get 66.6% of pop get the stab”
To make them all feel fab
But some crap, needing cpap
Dying in someone’s lap
You need a slap
To wake up
hope they nab
those who set the evil trap
For soon the trumpets clap
Those prepared will be gone zapped
Left behind in END TIMES trap
Will be a torturous trip ,
From which you can out tap
If you accept Jesus
In HIM put your trust
for HE will protect you
And stand in the gap
For you to spend eternity in glorious gab
As waves of corona happen
The vaxxed will blame the unvaxxed.
The Unvaxxed will blame the vaxxed.
Welcome to the HUNGER GAMES.
O can’t you see
Now you know why on fake inauguration day 1/20/21
- lady gaga was wearing hunger games outfit , hairdo and clip on her dress
- not putting up that evil woman’s pic here - look it up
Soon there will be stadiums, restaurants, shopping , school segregation based on vaxxed vs unvaxxed, the new apartheid system.
The elites get to watch the common man battle for food and daily survival while they place wagers on who wins or loose
This disparity narrative will keep getting pushed until all population comes to depend on government authority to control buy sell transactions
Going by simple calculations with current population of 7.2 billion as the count
1. Seal 4 - pale horse (death and hell) 1/4th of people die
7.2-1.8 billion dead= 5.4 remaining
2. 6th trumpet/2nd woe
1/3rd die
5.4-1.8 dead= 3.6 billion remaining
This is assuming a post trib rapture
Now these numbers will be very different - if we are talking about a pre trib or mid tribulation rapture
- so to put it into context we are nowhere near 1.8 billion dead - but that is yet to happen , and it will happen soon , just a matter of time
Corona 19 was a
well timed
well orchestrated
bioterror inducing event with origins in wuhan lab primed to deliver by the synagogue of satan(the name given to those people by Jesus , because they serve their master who is satan)
With primary goal of unseating trump to take power during nov 2020 elections
The secondary goals were global - economic and geopolitical endpoints still in play
At the beginning of corona , I mentioned that the pale horseman has only started , and as birth pangs , labor pains , we will have many waves.
No amount of mask wearing and vaccines can stop it.
There will be more plagues and pestilence
There will be wars and rumors of wars
There will be famine and food shortages in diverse places
There will be earthquakes and natural disasters
There is more to come folks
Be steady - place your faith hope and trust in JESUS alone
- if you live or die let it be For HIM
- With HIM in your heart and
- your eternity secure In HIM
With all your heart, mind and soul in JESUS
Glory Glory Glory HALLELUJAH to the Lord of hosts
Behold He comes riding on the clouds
A boy was playing with his friends in an old rickety barn. His friends wanted to play a prank on him.
They convinced him to climb to the top shelf of the barn, and this boy went up to the top shelf where there was no railing.
As soon as he was on that top shelf , the friends took off after switching the lights off. It was funny for few minutes, but then the darkness set in, and he realized they are not coming back.
He felt alone, cold, afraid, played with, paralyzed, guilty, at fault, and sad.
He wondered if anyone was coming at all.
”Is anyone coming to rescue me?
Does anyone know the situation I am in?” He wondered, he waited, and waited and waited.
And then there was a sound, footsteps, his dad’s voice called out his name.
The boy will never forget the sound of his dad’s voice.
He heard and felt the concern in his dad’s voice.
The moment he heard his dad call out, the lights came on , he knew he was rescued, safe at last.
Are you stuck somewhere, afraid, feeling lonely, darkness around you, paralyzed with fear, guilt, faults. Are you wondering if someone will come rescue you. Are you waiting, are you tired of things not working out, changing.
There is your Abba Father who is always reaching out to you, call out to Him, He always sends help.
He sent His only son Jesus Christ 2000 years ago, who being King of Kings , Lord of Lords, set aside that glory, to redeem mankind, He made a way to the Father, the only way, by paying for all our sins by His own blood.
He was sacrificed as the Perfect Passover Lamb on the cross. He rose again on the 3rd day conquering sin and death , that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have ever lasting life.
Reach out to Him , He is always near , ready to rescue.
Repent from your sins, accept the free gift of salvation, He will transform you.
Do you know someone who needs to be rescued, pray for them,reach out, share the love that God filled you with,
you may be God’s helper/messenger to rescue them.
For soon He is coming back as King of Kings, Lord of Lords, with the heavenly hosts and His kingdom will last forever.
His name is Jesus.
The lion of the tribe of Judah.
He is the resurrection
He is the truth
He is the door
He is the light of the world
He is the Messiah
He is the Great I Am.
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