There was a boxing match this week on 9/11/2021- commentated on by President Trump.
So there’s quite a bit of history in this fight to go thru….
The winner is a Brazilian? I can’t help but remember that the only world leader that exists right now that is consistently compared to Trump is Brazil’s – so that’s interesting.
So lets di deeper -- it gets a little more clear…..
Originally it was supposed to be a match with a YouTuber “The Real Tarzann”
In the video Tarzann mentions he forgot his “Duck”
It seems these are comms about cleaning up “Dogs” - at a glance it reminds of the Tiger King comms.
It was a documentary released during the pandemic about an eccentric Zookeeper. Star of the show was arrested for MURDER FOR HIRE.

After Tarzann 'ducks' out they contracted Oscar De La Hoya, but then he got COVID-19
-19 days before returning despite being fully vaccinated.
So what does this symbolize? I notice he seemed to be Anti-Trump, but most curiously he was a contestant in a masked Dancer competition where he wore a Zebra costume?
He lost while singing “Mack the Knife” – ok, well that’s an easy one for the comm. If we are talking Brazil + Knife… What was Brazil’s Bolsonaro’s most famous moment?
Stabbed with a knife just before the election! For someone associated with “stabbing” and going after a Brazilian?
Why was Oscar dressed as a Zebra and singing? My working theory on Zebra for over a year now is that the stripes symbolize prisoners. Not necessarily them being in jail, but the concept of jail. Future, present, or past.
Therefore these could be comms of removing criminals from the fight!
Also interesting…
09/10/2021 DC congresswoman bizarrely denies letting zebras loose
“charges against her were made known to her”
And given COVID is an op about rounding people up?
It stands to reason someone with a “Prisoner” + Political murder comm going on right now being removed from a fight thru COVID? All that and on 9/11 of all dates?
-- the comm is about some major arrests going on behind the scenes!
Note the event was moved from California to Florida, Trump’s home.
And also Holyfield’s boxing name is “The Real Deal”
So a “Deal” was removed quickly?
Interesting comm from Musk to reconcile the following day.
“Space Force” being something Trump created.
12/20/2019 Trump Signs Law Establishing U.S. Space Force
Note it’s the “UN Space Force” that achieved surrender- meaning GLOBAL cooperation.
And so while COVID lockdown is annoying, there was a purpose to it. It’s possible that it’s now being transitioned away from. Having the comm for that be on 9/11 (Emergency comms) is meaningful.
Musk has been deeply involved in meddling with Crypto- note he just bought a Dogecoin dog.
The primary thing going on behind the scenes right now is rich people using bitcoin to buy ops.Specifically trying to prevent future prosecution by paying for things that stop or slow down what the patriots/military are doing WW to round up criminals.
So hey, sounds like good news for that “real deal” to go down. And what were those deals? Those ops called in comms?
09/13/2021 More ‘Murder Hornets’ Are Being Found and Destroyed
Another “Zebra” trending on YouTube. Their videos typically get millions of views so it’s going to be a comms vehicle.
Zebra Batman loses in this one, description of Batman begins with him employing “little boys in booty shorts to act as meat shields” – then talks about how he told “judgement” to get out of his city.
For Iron Man they mention he is a “Narc” that rats people out to the government. Given he wins, it could be one of many comms going on right now that act as a chorus to accept what’s happening with criminal roundups of pedophiles.
That’s a big departure from years ago after all, having larger media accounts which were all used for sending comms about black sinister ops, and now they are are all uniformly pointing in a direction showing the white hats/patriots in control and ops going on behind the scenes.
ALL the news media giants, social media giants - including Google, twitter, FB, movie production companies includin time warner, fox, disney, netflix, hollywood's notables, around the world have all come under white hat control.
We’ve come a long way!
As worlwide ops continue rounding up these sinister characters, flipping those who take a deal and are willing to work with white hats, this leads to the next phase - Maxwell trial set to happen in Nov-Dec
Final Domino is set to fall
Start date | 20 September 2021 |
End date | 16 December 2021 |
After this FINAL DOMINO- I expect by mid 2022 , Election fraud to be revealed, de certified ,
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