The China Virus
“Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at [Wuhan] University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017.”
Charles Lieber the guy behind Wuhan lab – was famous for growing 1870 pound Pumpkin (187 scare ops - 187 is the police/justice penal code for murder)
Understanding the preparation for panic is important. This was ammunition saved for an emergency.
Pumpkins = Halloween = symbolism comm of scare ops. According to the text he’s a Harvard “strategic scientist” that was paid millions to set up a virus university in Wuhan China – and he made giant 187 scare ops. So yea, these comms imply he’s the head of an op that uses deaths to scare. Those Pumpkin comms say that without ever needing to break a law to say it.
It’s all become a reality with Corona having scared people into a perpetual lockdown.
It wasn’t the only comm pre-dating what happened.
The point to takeaway is, they knew it was coming, and for good reason because it cut off so many important paths to win for Trump.
Agenda was to
1. End Trump's rally(s)?
2. End Trump's econ gains?
3. End Trump's S unemployment gains?
4. weaken prior to election?
5. Delay US/China trade negotiations?
[China prefers Biden[+VP] as P?]
6. Shelter [Biden] public appearances?
7. Shelter [Biden] debate(s)?
8. Push new/revised P_2020 > vote by mail? [unsecure mail-in voting]
9. Push [D emocrats and fake republicans RHINOs] ‘wish list’ [unrelated] items CV Bill [voting amends]?
What is the mathematical probability this occurs [the ‘time bomb’ explodes] at the exact point in time that allows for maximum damage prior to the Nov 2020 election?
Outside of standard deviation?
[Mueller Russia hoax failed]
[Impeachment -part 1 failed]
Why was it critically important impeachment be rushed in the House?
All the MSM media narrative and hollyweird narratives failed.
Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability?
Who benefits the most?
COVID : LOCKDOWN(S) to weaken /derail POTUS
1. Economic gains wiped
2. Unemployment gains wiped
3. Close churche(s) person-to-person - keep in isolation , dim energy , fear no hope
4. Increase death toll - [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) push COVID positive seniors to hot zone(s) in nursin homes, senior (home) care facilities
to retain FEAR & lockdown (isolate, control,combine pneumonia influenza death count w/ COVID
5. BIDEN hideaway prevent 'self-embarrassment'
6. [D] state mail-in-ballot doorstep flood
7. Build public unrest , future BLM (4)-year push within closed [D] controlled cities & dedicated safe zone(s) with mayor-gov coordinated (guarantee) release of those arrested.
8. BIDEN negative news ELIMINATE UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption
9. BIDEN negative news ELIMINATE re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade and preserve #MeToo future [R] attack
10. Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled [D] safe zone(s)
11. Country on fire (real) while media calls it peaceful protests (fake)
12. Try to bait POTUS to use of MIL in civil localities to try the narrative of "shooting of 'peaceful protestor"
They even tried breach of WH perimeter, attempt WH breach safety-security , for a possible unconstitutional MIL takeover .
13. Covid wave2 opportunity card - for [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) impose new restrictions if needed , retain narrative mail-in-vote(ing) needed
The MAIN REASON was to Halt use of grand jury[ies] due to 'close proximity' _COVID mandated restrictions throughout all cities
This resulted in travel halt of called witnesses re: pending investigation - Durham SC
Legal out deployed by witness "I do not feel comfortable and/or safe traveling due to COVID-19 health concerns."
- 10/18/2019 Bill Gates Dark Winter CoronaVirus Conference
- 10/18/2019 Wuhan World Military Games
- 11/17/2019 Wuhan 1st Case of Coronavirus
Dates are important. January 15, 2020.
China loses billions in clawback
Pelosi held and timed impeachment articles and delivered to Senate on January 15, 2020
FIRST case of COVID-19 lands in UNITED STATES [Seattle-Tacoma International Airport] on Jan 15, 2020
Do the Chinese like losing?
Do the Chinese want POTUS removed/replaced by election Nov 2020?
Do the Chinese want BIDEN installed as potus?
Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION?
This may seem clear cut that China is the problem here, but it’s not as simple as it seems. Consider that China may be just like the U.S. with various entities in the business sector compromised.
ONLY THOSE WHO COULD/ CAN be controlled via blackmail were installed in critical leadership positions across all political and non-political Control and Command Positions - This is the same in all countries, this includes politicians, prominent actors/ actresses, sports/celebrities,
This is to ensure their allegiance to their agenda, The blackmail is their protective blanket [insurance].
[D] leadership in joint ops w/ China [CCP] in effort to regain power?
It was never about the virus.
They tried different strategies
1. Gen Michael Flynn 1st strike designed to
1. cripple
2. prevent exposure of illegal acts of Hussein obama WH through NAT SEC intel discovery
3. Install ‘controlled’ replacement with a rogue McMaster
4. Install rogue agents: McMaster_Coats DNI_Wray_Bolton- this stratey was used by Trump to identify and remove the rogue agent loyalists - hence the steady "you are fired" from his WH staff on a reular basis
5. When Comey was fired and lost power as FBI head , then Mueller was installed to keep [POTUS inside of a box] and prevent counter-attack
6. When Mueller Russia hoax termination _loss of power happened then , Impeachment was installed to keep [POTUS inside of a box] and prevent counter-attack
C19 was their insurance plan when all the above failed
So when C19 installed to keep [POTUS inside of a box] and prevent counter-attack
C19 STAGE 1- The intel + CDC + WHO + advisor(s) kept sayin - nothing to fear _do not close travel _do nothing [the political ‘set up’]
C19 STAGE 2- Inform POTUS of Dooms Day ‘inaccurate’ scenarios [models] predicting death count 1mm+ [the political ‘force’] to lock down [wipe economic and unemployment gains]
C19 STAGE 3- Activate ‘controlled’ [D] GOVS to ‘spike’ death count + project statewide fear by presenting ‘alarming’ on-ground conditions [hospital [care-supplies] projections].
C19 STAGE 4 - Push testing, testing, testing with HIGH CYCLE THRESHOLD PCR TEST to spike ‘infected’ rate incline due to daily testing inc [the political ‘set up’]
- media failure to report death count [rates] proportional to ‘infected’ rate
-deliberate miscounting of infected numbers [%]
_change nonpositive to positive _label death of non_C19 as C19 _etc.
C19 STAGE 5- Eliminate / censor any opposing views [anti-narrative]
C19 calculated [D] political gain:
1. Eliminate record economic gains
2. Eliminate record unemployment gains
3. Shelter Biden from public appearances _limit public exposure of mental condition
4. Shelter Biden from Ukraine exposure _narrative change _media focus C19
5. Shelter Biden from P_debates [requested demands due to C19]
6. Delay [D] convention _strategic take-over of nominee post conf
7. Eliminate/delay POTUS rallies _term energy
8. Eliminate ability for people to gather _ divide
9. Eliminate ability to find peace – strength in time of need [strict Church closures]
10. Promote mail-in-voting as only ‘safe’ method _bypass NSA election security installed midterms
11. Push D state-bailout stimulus [CA][NY] + wish list items
12. Increase national debt [place China into controlling debt position _regain leverage]
13. Test conditional limits of public acceptance [obey]
14. Test conditional limits of public non_acceptance
15. Test conditional limits of State authority [Gov-mayor]
16. Test conditional limits of Media [social] censorship
Who benefits the most?
China [CCP]?
They kept pushing the narrative "Russia is our enemy, China is our friend"
Brainwashing public through social/media programming
Everything seen was calculated political moves/events designed and launched by [D] party in coordination with other domestic and foreign entities in an attempt to regain power over public both on a domestic and global scale.
03/22/2020 The Closing of 21 Million Cell Phone Accounts in China May Suggest a High CCP Virus Death Toll
Think about it… since they were able to time the first U.S. coronavirus case to impeachment, it means that those (potentially) millions of secret deaths in China may not have even had anything to do with trying to getting U.S. infections. Instead, it sounds more like it was a plan to continue infecting in China until they agreed to whatever terms they had in mind (helping oust POTUS for one)
So they used HCQ and were fine with it, only MSM was against it. MSM tried to get people here quickly from China before they solved the problem
China did solve it for their own country, they were on lockdown for only 16 days – while the U.S. has been for more than a year.
03/22/2020 ‘Invisible enemy’: Trump says he is ‘wartime president’ in coronavirus battle – video “accusing China of not asking for help at the beginning of the crisis ‘out of pride’” ‘Invisible enemy’: Trump says he is ‘wartime president’ in coronavirus battle – video | World news | The Guardian
Note the blowback recently on some of these individuals. He has since had scandal after scandal involving sexual harassment.
03/29/2021 9th Woman Accuses Gov. Cuomo Of Sexual Harassment, Alleges Cuomo Kissed Her Without Consent In 2017
Another included Ralph Northam.
03/18/2021 Virginia House Candidate Calls for Ralph Northam’s Arrest Following Cuomo-Like Nursing Home Revelations
He too has had scandal after scandal.
02/01/2019 Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam Admits Wearing ‘Clearly Racist’ Costume in Blackface, KKK Photo
Note his interest as “Pediatrics” – something he has also become quite known for.
04/11/2020 Ralph Northam Makes It Easier to Kill Babies Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
When the Nursing home murders became untenable they switched to just confusing the issue with faulty testing.
Summary of Section 1: The virus is real, and was something the entire world took sides for and against. (World Military Games/Gates Dark Winter) All sides knew about it and patriots tried to stop it using travel bans and DECLAS (Northam/Trudeau). They were able to stop the mass infections that happened in China, but due to clowns in state office and media that wouldn’t stand down right away- they were still able to have a “pandemic” with the purpose of removing the patriots in office.
But that’s just the basic facts of what happened – when we go deeper there’s far more to see here.
One thing common with ops is trying to commandeer the opponents ops.
How would patriots do this with infections and vaccines? First let’s talk about infections.
Trump administration created a vehicle to deal with COVID – note this deleted tweet from early in the pandemic panic.
The account Trump linked to.
However this CDC -> CDCGOV – likely implies some were masquerading as team Trump trying to pick out people that would flip and then killing. Hence only go to the official source.
If we go into the precise method used for these hotlines for infected it becomes a little more clear.
03/19/2020 My Coronavirus Test: 5 Days, a Dozen Calls, Hours of Confusion Article is about a man’s experience with being diagnosed with Corona
This is from the Trump hating NYT – and it tells the story of a man and his two “cats”
The trouble he had getting thru to CDCGov, how many couldn’t get thru, and how the results of him being infected were posted online despite it supposed to be private.
The implication being if they did as the Trump wanted – they’d be outed and made a target. “Cats” in danger etc.
For example – George Floyd was infected a month before the riots began for his death.
Infected Private: George Floyd
06/03/2020 George Floyd tested positive for coronavirus in April
So now, if this was a flipping comm, as covered above. Then it would mean he and the cop that took him out were comms aware agents.
05/29/2020 George Floyd and cop who knelt on his neck before his death worked TOGETHER at the same Minneapolis club just months earlier
Despite Chauvin being a cop (that also worked with the victim at a different job) Not even his next door neighbors knew he was a cop.
Never saw a squad car? a badge? a holstered weapon? Cop buddies?
The point being? The guy is as clown as it gets. The cabbal wanted to trigger riots. They needed a target that flipped and who would work to create a Rodney King situation
Chauvin knew his associate had flipped, and was in the unique position to create that that exact situation.
One of many points made is the place Chauvin & Floyd worked overlapping shifts for is likely connected to Intelligence agencies + Money Laundering.
A breakdown of what specifically happened and how at every point none of it made sense. As though everyone there forgot how to do their jobs at the exact same time.
The original video of the event. Filmed by a 17 year old who a basic search turns up as been hailed by MSM as the “Rosa Parks of her generation” Note the video of his death starts with a trashcan with a bright 6 on it.
Trash can = Garbage being thrown away.
6 = short hand for 666 cabbal symbolism when only 1 digit is available to use.
And the person who filmed it made half a million dollars. (incentivizing more attempts like this)
The point being almost everyone involved in this was a clown (cia bad agent), and one did the right thing which led to being made an example of.
Except for the people around Chauvin curiously enough.
06/05/2020 The Officers Charged In Floyd’s Death Were On The Job For Less Than A Week And Derek Chauvin Was Training Them 3 1/2 days? Almost as though they were hired specifically to do what they did eh?
They specifically arranged it so that Chauvin would be tutoring the other men – so they wouldn’t question anything done.
08/03/2020 ABC Spikes Leaked Video of Floyd Arrest, CBS/NBC Edit Out ‘Stop Resisting’
Note the cop that asked him to stop resisting was Thomas Lane & NOT the cop making a movie using Floyd’s neck. That was Derek Chauvin.
All adds to the point of the setup, the more people who aren’t aware of the scam are involved – makes it all more real looking.
Comms leading up to it. Note they are as a fire “VERY STOKED”
- 05/24/2020 “Killing Eve” from song “Look what you made me do” by Swift13 (Speed + unlucky number) Killing Eve = the day before a murder
- 05/25/2020 George Floyd Murdered = George Floyd Riots begin as a way to weaken Trump.
- 05/29/2020 Biden happy that “Swift Action” was taken regarding George Floyd.
- 05/29/2020 Swift13 blames Trump for George Floyd death.
And then they turned it into a Rodney King riot for political points.
The point of all this is demonstrating that CIA operatives who flipped became targets, but they were all private. This was to avoid more situations like this happening.
Floyd family apparently got paid 27 million by city for wrongful death. It will be interesting to find out if the jury lets chauvin walk free.
Public Infection Comms
So early on with Corona – we had comms like this one from Ellen.
Songs sung begin with a “star” – “falling down” Farmer (Farm = CIA) has a “dog” – BINGO = surprising event – and then broken egg after fall.
As a side note -Russia useful to learn for “farm” work is due to the prevalence of communism infesting the CIA in the earliest days.
F=6 – Farm = 6 Arm – Media “hit pieces” “Pushes”
Note the singers were OMK + Allen.
O = Eye – MK = MKUltra comms – as in people for a hit.
MKUltra - should be a separate post on its own, but these are brainwashed agents including celebrities who are controlled to perform tasks per the controlling agenda head.
Allen = “Hex” Key – turning “screws into heads” = commonly associated with MKUltra activations.
a warning.
Note the very next post Ellen made is about funding “Gorilla’s”
As in MKUltra cells- “Guerilla’s –
This helps explain all the Gorilla Glue comms as of late. hair = strings of Guerilla fighters “not moving”
Comms of the difficulty of removing these MK cells – anyway, not long after the Ellen comms the fears were realized as Tom Hanx became “infected”
03/11/2020 Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson test positive for coronavirus in Australia
Note this was right around the time CDC gov comms began for the flips. (as well as the Trump warning about not listening to fake CDC accounts fishing covered above)
Looking at celebs around this time it’s pretty clear. Note pointing out Hanx is in Australia (not safe in U.S. for this flipping comm) – and he gives a handgun firing gesture. If Hanks lives “we are gonna be so stoked” – Again STOKED fire just like the Floyd comms.
And just like the Ellen comms not long before it – he talks about dogs and “Bingo”
Specifically entities “fused together” – and a “dog” refusing to shake hands over Corona.
Hanx is someone people trust after all – so him flipping was a big deal even if it wasn’t safe for him to be in the states for a while.
05/10/2013 Tom Hanks voted America’s most trusted person
And just like the rest he was also involved in the comms going after POTUS, in fact just like the “Cable Guy” comm above – here’s a comm from Hanx the day before the Access Hollywood scandal hit, – prepping clowns for the fire stoking. “Stars Assemble”
Here he is post flipped – notice “he learned from his mistake” and how the 3rd current pic has Hanx flipped the other way.
The day Trump sent comms agreeing to the Biden operation.
In a separate post - will explain why Trump symbolically is linked to the "guy with baseball bat"
Over time now – Biden flipped,
As did Ellen.
12/10/2020 Ellen DeGeneres announces she’s tested positive for Covid
And many others. – The tops/Wives sending comms of cooperation for a region/area.
03/14/2020 Spain locked down, prime minister’s wife tests positive for coronavirus
This includes the people who put some of the people behind the nursing homes horrors.
09/25/2020 Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam and wife test positive for coronavirus
The fact that they couldn’t be outed with scandals meant other avenues were forced to be taken. It does make one wonder what would have happened if they had been forced to step down.
03/12/2020 Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wife tests positive for coronavirus
Seems blackmail was a popular way to get strings attached (far less volatile than the child route)
12/17/2020 French President Emmanuel Macron tests positive for COVID-19
07/20/2020 Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro holds up his hydroxychloroquine to a cheering crowd and takes off his mask as supporters turn out to greet him despite his coronavirus infection
12/09/2020 Pennsylvania’s Tom Wolf Is 6th U.S. Governor to Contract Coronavirus
Yes there is a real virus - causing deaths mostly in elderly and immune compromised individuals, but actual numbers are conflated with flu, pneumonia and other pre existing conditions.
Having said that – as covered above there was a real virus that killed a lot of people, but patriots used the hysteria as a smokescreen to streamline flipping operations.
For the most part few people outside of those focused infected explosions ever had the virus, so why is a vaccine needed in the first place?
One obvious reason is to help subdue the hysteria.
However as there already is a cure in Hydroxychloroquine – what is even the need for a vaccine?
It allows for funding.
08/08/2020 Federal spending on COVID-19 vaccine candidates tops $9 billion, spread among 7 companies
A giant wad of cash for what return on investment? Especially if the thing itself they are creating might only requires a few million and they get billions?
09/30/2020 Operation Warp Speed Has Over $6 Billion In Secret Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Evading Scrutiny “routed through an intermediary nongovernmental firm, thereby avoiding the usual requirements for regulatory oversight and transparency that accompany federal contracting as well as many public records request requirements.”
Note the symbolism of “Operation Warp Speed” which was Trump’s Vaccine push.
09/28/2020 New document reveals scope and structure of Operation Warp Speed and underscores vast military involvement
Consider the nomenclature of that “Manhattan project” as they called Warp Speed in relation to the new Space Force.
So now, if the “Space Force” is anything like NASA and SpaceX – then it’s actually about ops being funded and directed. Define “Space Administration” - that for another separate post.
And as such the funding = “Warp Speed” – ops moving faster with money.
07/28/2020 Moderna launches phase 3 vaccine trial at 89 sites across the country Dawn Baker was the 1st phase 3 volunteer to receive the Moderna vaccine in Savannah, GA.
Note the “mole” of “Dawn Baker”
Georgia is one of the most curious cases of election theft -and as it was all coordinated
The first image of which is this one
The whole set to mean the election theft was planned, and even signaled from Trump days before.
I didn’t explain the first image because it would require explaining how an “astronaut” could symbolize someone stealing the election.
Someone in “new space” a “mole” - will make a separate post about space exploration and space comms.
I believe the name “Baker” symbolizes someone who cooks in the results. Others fill in the bread, but the “Baker” is the one that completes the task.
A lot of comms in the past were this same way – and as the similiar circumstances that needed to produce a “new” comm came into being – they became shorthand for it. There are many examples of it – though it may seem a strange comparison – the Loch Ness Monster is one such story . They created a comm in the early days of photographic blackmail so as to send a very specific signal to a target.
Vaccines are the common sense answer to something like a virus – and such it naturally became a comm itself. The use in simply calming down the public is one massive benefit of it from the start, but also the entire system as it was controlled by Trump admin – became a vehicle.
01/01/2021 CIA logo changed to Black & White this year. A “new look” “Discover CIA”
Black and White Comms.
Basically the point is agents making it very clear they are operating in good faith at all times. No ambiguity. And this ties into “space missions”
07/19/2020 United Arab Emirates launches ‘Hope’ mission to Mars on Japanese rocket
Black and White missions – These are all comms for ops
and cooperation between China, UAE, and the U.S. – all working on “Mars” together.
Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain agreeing to normalization and peace.
And in that ceremony at about 40 minutes in – the Foreign UAE representative steals Trump’s “pen” i.e. executive powers of the pen.
Implication being the agents involved in the steal at the ground level being foreign and middle eastern.
And in that ceremony at about 40 minutes in – the Foreign UAE rep”
CA Gov – going Black and White around election day –
Preceeded by this one.
10/07/2020 California governor’s aide tests positive for coronavirus
10/16/2020 Trump Rejects, Then Grants Wildfire Disaster Aid to California
Though I recall seeing a bit after this with Newsom refusing to cooperate getting COVID data to the Trump administration. That’s a good way to potentially round up criminals I’m sure. So I do think of all the flips, this one I’m not sure how solid it is. Still, at least cooperating to some extent.
Anyway, These are just a few of the ops that are ongoing, but they all tie into the idea of “space” operations. It’s how the CIA operated for decades and took over large parts of the world.
And at the heart of these ops – appears to be SpaceX and Elon Musk – using bitcoin and other secretive methods to pay agents as needed.
All of the foreign version of the vaccines like China’s – seem to be the funding for the other branches of this WW joint operation.
Note Russia’s COVID vaccine being the same name as the first satellite shot into space to circle the earth.
Given that the malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine was already a proven cure for the thing, then they probably had vaccines planned for funding ops.
It’s the nursing homes that were the outbreaks and the numbers after those tragedies ended was in large part due to intentional errors in testing. Therefore I think the only real point of the thing is to dial down panic + get personal information on people (potentially for justice)
Further Connections
Early in post I said I’d come back to who was to blame, and I showed that on the surface it looked like it might be China, but the deeper comms didn’t support it.
I also showed these comms – note one I didn’t show there: “adapted to the next threat” posted just before the PSL.
So this was before the pandemic, preparing for it. – Reconcile with the next….
China trying to kill CIA double agents and some things being better left untold [cov] (Crimes of Violence/Covid)
I think likely China had agreed to help Trump. And thus there was a big attempt to pit the U.S. and China at war.
KIM TO CHINA REPRESENTS SOMETHING VITAL [KEY] – Final stage - NK will need a separate post.
And just after NK flipping (Musk connection) we get what looks to be cooperation accepted comms. While this was about tariffs, I also believe there was additional layers to it. Specifically I believe this was the green light for Musk to get into China. The article is 2014, which is the same year Musk started his first Tesla Gigafactory.
07/10/2018 Tesla reaches deal to build electric vehicle factory in China “this will be a wholly owned Tesla factory, not a traditional joint venture with the Chinese government”
10/17/2019 Tesla gets final approval to build cars in China “The new factory, known as the Gigafactory 3, is the first fully-foreign owned car plant in China.”
And what happened that day and the next? Multiple things happened which I covered above, however I’m bringing them up again in the new context of the Musk cooperation.
+1 Day from Musk approval to build cars in China.
10/18/2019 WHO & the Gates Foundation Host Event 201 in New York, simulating a global Coronavirus pandemic.
05/16/2020 Report: Trump Admin Orders Halt to Bill Gates Coronavirus Testing Program
06/11/2020 EXCLUSIVE: Bill Gates Negotiated $100 Billion Contact Tracing Deal With Democratic Congressman Sponsor of Bill Six Months BEFORE Coronavirus Pandemic
On Ellen April 13th –
So unless Gates became a white hat early and the pandemic was just a smokescreen for arrests (I did wonder this early on) – it seems to me the richest men on the planet. Gates/Bezos and Musk (who eclipsed both in 2021) were the banks for opposite ends of a war for world control.
Note Musk being someone who has (unlike Gates) shown great skepticism of testing and the pandemic.
06/05/2020 Musk Says Time to Break Up Amazon, Fueling Bezos Feud
11/13/2020 Elon Musk said he tested positive and negative for Covid-19—here’s what you need to know about the different tests
And thru these China cooperation ops – (and other countries) – we have Biden cooperating an agreement on DECLAS. (preventing WW3)
01/28/2020 China’s Xi says coronavirus is a ‘devil’ “China is confident of winning the battle against it” I’m reminded of Putin saying much the same about what the NWO worships.
When Xi calls the Coronavirus a “Devil” – I think of it as an implication it ties into the Vatican in Italy.
01/22/2020 Coronavirus outbreak in China traced to snakes
Now just before Xi called Coronavirus a devil…
01/24/2020 Mike Pence in visiting Pope Francis: ‘You have made me a hero’ “an unusually long meeting” “Pence then flew to Italy from Israel commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp.”
And just after Xi called it the devil….
02/03/2020 Vatican sends thousands of face masks to China amid coronavirus outbreak
02/15/2020 Vatican and China hold extremely rare high-level diplomatic meeting
02/16/2020 Cardinal Zen: Vatican Is ‘Giving Everything’ to China’s Communists they want “complete surrender.”
02/23/2020 Belgian carnival (Clowns/Ringmaster) defies calls to cancel parade with Jewish caricatures
02/26/2020 Pope to Catholics: For Lent, give up trolling. Pope Francis asked people to stop insulting people on social media.
This is around the time, Vatican flipped. It seems to me that they were part of the Corona ops but then collapsed.
02/27/2020 Pope Francis sick a day after supporting coronavirus sufferers
As I covered above in the infection section- “Sickness” was a comm sent to define people who wish to flip – and I believe this is when agents were informed to comply.
The op then was split into the Dem’s trying to carry on the panic with Nursing home tragedies and fake news.
07/12/2020 Fearmongering NBC Doctor Who ‘Battled COVID’ Admits Never Had Virus
And patriots who co-opted the thing – trying to use the situation to flip clowns.
02/26/2020 Trump puts Pence in charge of Coronavirus response
02/27/2020 Pope cancels event as he’s taken ill amid Italy CoronaVirus crisis The very next day.
Shortly after Tesla begins delivering in China? That’d be the beginning of the China Mars missions (With U.S./UAE right after) – covered above.
Musk’s entire existence is tied to Mars,
His name, and the SpaceX rockets.
His new “baby” shares the name of a CIA stealth jet. CIA Stealth = Mole (Covered above)
“Occupy Mars” on shirt – Mars = Warfare comm. Media warfare?
“Lord of the Rings” Define control. Ringmaster of a new “circus”
So as the world is shedding Mossad media control, in this final stretch, a new power is rising up to replace it. It’s hard to know what exactly they’ll be doing with the new found coordination, but perhaps things like bankrupting Soros Hedge Funds?
presumably when it finishes preparations it’ll be the first time there’ll be a force that can stand up to remnants in the clown media.
And while our media gets itself straightened out the global ops continue, some fast, some slow.
12/08/2020 Tesla progress on German factory slowed by sleeping snakes
All the while Biden puts on a show of incompetence that clearly has no support.
03/30/2021 Is YouTube Removing Its Public ‘Dislikes’ Because the Biden White House Keeps Getting Ratioed So Hard?
Anyway, all of the ops have culminated in Biden as POTUS? And for what reason? – I believe it was a compromise that gives China a safeguard for DECLAS – making sure that only the material agreed up on is released in the exact order agreed upon. It also allows for ops certain moves that Trump would get hammered for (Like allowing China to take over Taiwan/Hong Kong) – There’s other layers to it, but as we continue forward and re-openings happen.
What happens due to that? Why did they have a pandemic in the first place after all?
Pandemic End -> Grand Juries Begin!
This is why they have stockpiled so many sealed rand jury indictments, therefore now that Trump is gone and control is secret – they (flipped dems) can “Cancel” the 666 “Doctor”
03/02/2021 Six Dr. Seuss books won’t be published over racist imagery
03/02/2021 Biden removes mention of Dr. Seuss from Read Across America Day
This has the added benefit of being something that’ll make the middle class sway further against the MSM/left.
03/04/2021 Marjorie Taylor Greene drops Dr. Seuss-style rhyme calling for Biden impeachment
03/04/2021 Woke parents agree: Dr. Seuss is canceled
03/04/2021 eBay Halts Sales Of “Offensive” Dr Seuss Books, Allows Mein Kampf
And is it working?
03/10/2021 As Texas opens up 100%, the Dallas grocery scene stays 99.9% masked up
Keep in mind they don’t need to open up EVERY state – (though that’ll help with volume) – because Grand Juries can do what?- can open in any state!
03/13/2021 We start losing our sense of humor at age 23 — and it could wreck your career “It’s global and it’s disheartening,”
23 = Standard Grand Jury Size -
23 is also the Jersey number of Michael Jordan and Lebron James who recently had an ankle injury after being a outspoken liberal D supporter- will go into sports comms in a diff post.
Wrecking career? Yes, being involved with Maxwell, even simply the accusation that leads to court will do that.
Mass Grand Juries can be empaneled anywhere that’s open – and now it’s open in Texas and Mississippi- so big dominoes are prepped to drop.
“But most of all, not falling off that humor cliff at age 23 could pay major dividends in your working life. ” “So what should you do if you feel yourself slipping off that humor cliff?” “While most people fall off the humor cliff at 23 — and keep falling and falling”
“not falling off the cliff” – i.e. suicide – another appeal for people to flip instead of react how many do when they get the news about the GJ.
“The bottom line is, don’t keep falling off the humor cliff in the name of imagined professionalism. Bring a sense of humor to work and sprinkle in more of your personality … before it’s too late.” “What people were often saying on the last days of their life was, I wish I didn’t take myself so seriously.”
“Before it’s too late.” = Police knocking on the door
And the “response” I think
03/13/2021 The boxing world reacts to the death of Marvelous Marvin Hagler at 66
Death of “Hagler”
Phonetic Name Symbolism comms “Haggler”
Define Haggler: Someone who engages in a period of persistent bargaining. – Meaning it’s a signal that anyone who comes to the table to haggle over deals i.e. small fish turning in big fish in exchange for walking/reduced sentence? They are being threatened by this comm.
Note also the Facebook post where his death was announced. The words in the background – His face is covering the background word in exact way needed to make it spell MERCURY.
Mercury = messenger god. SENDING A MESSAGE “Passed away unexpectedly”
Likely Mercury comm was a “haggling” comm sent back in his boxing days, repurposed now.
Even more obvious is the very last post before his death. “Don’t blame someone else for your own mistakes” i.e. do not make a deal! But delas are bbein made, flips are happening, power has already shifted, we are in the stages where it will all soon be public - not all , maybe less than 30 % will be public . Lets wait and watch.
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