Al -Waleed held Obama’s strings and he picked the cabinet as Wikileaks showed.
House of Saud - under Al Waleed (personal net worth 6Trillion) had total USA control - he practically groomed obama , paid for his cia training, then harvard law degree and groomed/arranged him to finally take the presidency.
Now to understand where Obama stood, strings are key.
This article is a good one for me to launch this conversation from.
It asserts that people misunderstand the Deep State and that they don’t “meet in secret” like many imagine with costumes and daggers.
Instead, as my entire blog is devoted to explaining – they coordinate openly in the media and use various symbolism to give orders and updates. Like for example Waleed here. This is the true “cloak and daggers meeting ” if ever such a thing could exist.
The Content Trap Book comm = No matter what Trump does it is to be reported as a bad thing (media control)
when Trump became president in 2017- the first country he visited was SA- saudi arabia, and as soon as that happened, prince alwaleed was arrested incuding 20 other royalty/princes under so called corruption charges, alwaleed was hung upside down by commandos while interrogated and we had a defacto new prince/king MBS Bin-Salmaan take charge - who has remained pro-Trump in alliance.
Al Waleed - SA was one side of the pyramid that controlled USA and global media/politicos/elites
Note “Department of Navy” Muted above – note the Navy Ships posted as the image for AlWaleeds arrest below.
Gates it should be noted owned the Four Seasons with Al-Waleed (Obama strings) during the Las Vegas Massacre. (Future post)
Las Vegas - what hotel did the gun fire over the people attending country music concert happen, which floors
who owns the top floors
what was the supposed 'shooter's name, what was his net worth
Note “Gentleman In Moscow” – this was the week before the Mueller report finished.
If you look at the Book comms, you can tell that they were planning on crushing Trump with the Mueller report. Mass protests etc – but instead it was a “turd” the higher ups were calling an “avocado” (giant seed to grow)
You’ll note that is actually before Gates post – which is because the Mueller report died over the course of months, in March the reversal began with a blunt proclamation of NO COLLUSION
And then there was the redacted Mueller reports which were the “turd being called an Avacado” (released days before that comm) all of it finally culminating in Mueller himself leaving.
Gates was pushing the Russia narrative even as it imploded, and if you go to that book comm – you’ll see this imagery.
Spinning crashes down the house of cards (Trump in their view)
Gates was being a mouthpiece for the top - pushing harder on the Russia angle, even though the people underneath him were sending comms they had nothing to work with, just a “turd” that took 2 years of Mueller to make.
Obama also got in on this by throwing around that same book as a comm, note the next one is “unburied, sing” – i.e. dig up the Russia dirt! (Mueller)
Calling on agents to push the Russia hoax just as Gates was doing years later. This was just after Al-Waleed was arrested, an event that cut the strings from him and others.
SA controlled USA puppets such as HRC - hillary clinton and obama. After al walled was arrested , they tried shopping around for a new handler/protection , but not successful. Their strings were cut .
So just having the strings cut didn’t flip him – but as we are reading book comms – this was the one that seems to have signaled the flip. July 13, 2018.
A lot of the text here can be read as a comm. Things falling apart, events leading to “Kenya” (he was kenyan born citizen, had a fake birth certificate from hawai - the official who gave the birth cert conveniently has 'died' - just as they murder anyone who exposes them )
so this comm was him being independent (Kenya - Obama)
But most of all note the imagery for the very first book THINGS FALL APART
A ”flipped” black head. Meaning yes, he was flipping
Note the most popular reply – Bill Gates says he’ll have to add a “few” of Obama’s books and then gives his own recommendation instead.
Recommending “Born A Crime” -and “Mighty Be Our Powers” – a comm about consequences for this action?
Well, Gates is much deeper into things, and higher up than Obama most would probably agree.
In that book recommendation video it also shows a Lincoln without a hat (job) – Comey standing under Lincoln. (another assassination)
– and asserting it made them stronger. (Read linked post for context on what happened with Lincoln.
Now I do believe Comey flipped and Gates is at least cooperating now… based on 2020 comms – prior to that…. not so much.
Comey/Gates will be other posts in the future, I only bring it up now only so that you don’t misunderstand the current situation.
Back then at least Obama switched sides and there was an enormous reservoir of deep staters this affected. Obama is like a cultural icon for them after all. The one person they built up above all other people.
So how did Obama flip?
So the way alwaleed controls obama is through blackmail- of the worst kind
Obama was born in Morocco , family later resided in Indonesia and ancestral family in Kenya. Fake certificate from hawai - the official who gave that cert died in a plane crash - he was the only one to die among 13 others!.
Hussein & Maggie
How many pics can you find of them together?
Age 10, 11, 12…He has been diddlin her since she was 10
Name of obama's dog - BO Diddle (barack obama diddle) - symbolising that he is a leashed dog of alwaleed.
BTW BO Diddle dog passed away May 2021.
The way these elites are blackmailed - is by having them perform sexual acts/murder on underage victims, video tape them as evidence and control them for life.
3 ring circus on Obama and Maggie “It was a night to remember”
Agnes Nixon, Who Created Popular Soaps ‘One Life To Live’ And ‘All My Children,’ Dies At 93
Actress Agnes Nixon, center, winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award, with her granddaughter Maggie and daughter Mary at the 37th Annual Daytime Entertainment Emmy Awards after party held at the Las Vegas Hilton on June 27, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
More graphic pics cannot be posted - as you can be charged for distribution of child porno, or such.
So first the obvious, the implication that Obama is doing something bad with a girl named Maggie. There is a connection between Allison Mack and “Wendy”
These were posted the day Allison Mack was arrested, and she was already “naming names”
Note the Mexico connection – Keith Raniere operated daycares including ones in Mexico where children were spoken to only in alternating foreign tongues every day of the week.
A perfect environment for abuse where 6/7 days the kids won’t be able to communicate? It was shut down in 2019 by the Mexican Government. Trump did a lot with Mexico’s cooperation both at the border and on both sides of the border.
Rachel Chandler - Child Handler - pictured with prince Philip, bill clinton, Jeffery Epstein - played a part in child model agency, grooming kids for abuse, and blackmail, ransom scheme.
Anyway, ignoring that creepiness for the moment, note that when this brings up the Maggie/Wendy connection – Allison Mack posting a picture of Maria Abramov which brings to mind other creepiness.
Note the date 23 Jan 2018
Note this was exactly 1 day before Obama sought legal help for potential prosecution. Note also the date chosen for the tweet is the 23rd – 23 when used as a comm is about a GRAND JURY (23 members standard)
This is likely why she was talking the first day of arrest, because she’d already sent comms that she would.
So to sum up what we know so far, Allison Mack either flipped January 2018 or slightly before that and said she’d give them big names which would led to even Obama and the spirit cooker - separate post about that later.
Note the sequence of tweets around that spirit cooker tweet.
Note the Dalai Llama being the one directly before it. The quote “What’s past is past, nothing can change that”
If we look at the header comms from Mack it becomes even more clear.
Top one about flowers blooming + Chinese Fortune cookie “stay focused on your goal and you will succeed” and then post Al-Waleed arrest… (bottom pic)
These are the two nearest captures I can get in-between Al-Waleed’s arrest, there are others, but they are bugged out (likely had comms they had to destroy)
Post Al-Waleed arrest Mack’s photo goes black and white – and we get
Group of people traveling across bridge. Bridge = Transition comms.
Grass + Self + “Shoes” off.
Comms of getting the heck out of the situation they are in? AND NOT going to jail? (grass pic) (she currently is in limbo on sentencing, while Keith Raniere was sentenced to +100 years
Here’s another one from her account even earlier –
I’m not gonna break down the comms in that last one,
Plant comms -every “plant” needs sun(exposure, promotion in media and such) , water (info) to grow
Removal of AlWaleed seems to be the crucial change. As his section of the pyramid dealt with politician control + blackmail using children. He was the FIRST DOMINO after TRUMP took POWER.
He was also the one who raised Obama up and even gave him his name, so combine those two facts and it does seem like a given Obama is blackmailed.
His strings, and many others were cut when Waleed was taken down in 2017.
Let’s return to the Wendy/Maggie connection. What are the “pet names”
why does image search for "maggie Nixon" and "obama" return an image of abramovich and defranco ONLY?
I think we are over the target?
Bigger than you can imagine.
POTUS warning shot.
Allison Mack.
Why is Hussein pictured w/ this H-Wood child many times?
What are ‘pet’ names?
Connecting it to Comet Ping Pong which directly connects to Epstein Island through CarisJames hashtags used. Caribbean Island St. James.
so now let’s consider when Rachel Chandler was arrested, Snowden and Wikileaks sent comms about it.
The name “Sherman” + “Pet” + Secretary of State Nominee rings a very specific bell.
“Retriever” – who isn’t that good at “retrieving” Remember, Mike Pompeo was CIA director before he was Secretary of State, and in that role he likely would have interacted with fellow agents flipping and his first public comment I can find about “Sherman” may well imply she didn’t provide what was desired, but was helping.
As a “pet” i.e. controlled – who flipped during the past few years? Her testimony being a key part of why there are so many sealed cases? (200k+ Strong now!)
Pompeo has two dogs, Mercer and Sherman - both were used in dog comms.
If “Wendy” connects to this Biden appointee for the 2nd biggest job in the highest admin role (Secretary of State) then this is probably the template for every major Biden appointee.
People who have already testified in secret Grand Juries and proved they were 100% solid by putting former allies behind bars. In effect having a leashed “pet” of Mike Pompeo in control, it’s like Mike Pompeo never left his post at Secretary of State! This is Big!
This all fits quite well with what’s to come, partly also showing the world the truth.
Might the Biden admin be a ticking time bomb? Activation into self exposure? Throwing the biggest boomerang only to let it hit them in the face? They’ve had plenty of practice with Biden gaffes.
It should be noted that while Mercer is a puppy, “Sherman” is asserted to be 5. I can find no old posts about Sherman, so I think this is a comm, especially given how the dog is noted to have played in “dirt” and be mean when it was a pup.
And what kind of dirt?
There may be another layer to “Wendy” -it’s possible it’s also a name comm which may have been why it was the focus of the Trump connection rather than using her full name.
03/15/2021 – Biden appointed sleeper cells?
Sleeper Cells?
Wendy Ruth Sherman, I’m going to focus on “Wendy” – but it should be noted that “Ruth” is also the most powerful (legal power) activist for child perversion.
This evil woman RBG - US Supreme Court justice died in 2021 - Called for reducing the age of consent to 12!
Coincidentally, that’s the same age as the character I was thinking would be a logical comm for “Wendy”
Symbolism of being asleep (pajamas) with a man who likes children, pretends he’s one of them (doesn’t grow up). abducts them – and flies away with them trying to convince them to stay with him.
Now return again to this one.
A night to remember” – it’s possible this could symbolize sedation as a way to prevent awareness of criminal acts.
Also this may remind you of Keith Ranere’s daycares where they purposefully have a staff that can’t speak the language of the children.
And also the whole “Soap opera” connection- original symbolism in there with “soap” being a keeping clean comm. A code for asserting that the activity is not going to result in long term consequences. (their chief concern I’m sure)
Also… “Wendys” could be a general comm used in those circles to denote this kind of activity. “win” “d”
A lot of times basic items all around us have a comms purpose, look into the history of “Wendy’s” which also has a young girl as a mascot, tho she is stated to be 8 instead of 12.
Below- symbolism in the evil island owned by Jeffery Epstein and nearby islands owned by other celebs , holly weird celebs, including brother of Biden,
07/27/2019 CNN anchor Victor Blackwell chokes up on air after Trump rips ‘infested’ Baltimore “when he tweets about infestation, it’s about black and brown people,” Other headlines incl “OUTRAGE!” – A Major racism push
Comey was of course still going through the motions.
INFECTION AND VAX - PUZZLE The China Virus “Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at [Wuhan] University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017.” Wuhan Institute of Virology [geo location]? [1st biosafety lvl 4 lab – 2015] City/Province origin – hot zone [geo location]? “the Chinese government paid Lieber seven figures to help set up a university in China’s Wuhan province and to participate in a talent recruitment program that the FBI believes was a front for stealing proprietary research” Charles Lieber the guy behind Wuhan lab – was famous for growing 1870 pound Pumpkin (187 scare ops - 187 is t...
Covid related snapshots 8/25/21 Why is this a SPIRITUAL decision Over centuries -The people are dumbed down by entertainment programming, fake news altering truth, corrupt education systems - but not ALL. The fact that the same available data is processed in entirely opposite ways by seemingly intelligent people -but not ALL This , THIS is PROOF that there is something beyond all this worldly wisdom, richness,understanding at work here - a blinding of truth , They have eyes but cannot see They have ears but cannot hear Isaiah 6:10 “Make the heart of this people dull, And their ears heavy, And shut their eyes; Lest they see with their eyes, And hear with their ears, And understand with their heart, And return and be healed.” Ezekiel 12:2 “Son of man, you dwell in the midst of a rebellious house, which has eyes to see but does not see, and ears to hear but does not hear; for they are a rebellious house. @@@ 8/25/21 This is how they calculate the data - if a p...
Insect comms - Murder hornets , cicadas! You may remember a panic 2020, about “Murder Hornets” In the U.S. they only appeared in Washington near the Canadian border. “concerns about Wasp ID’s” Interesting choice for a base of operations. Meaning they are coming thru Canada to do what? Murder Hornets prey are bees, and this is why I have to decode both insects. The Murder Hornet panic ramped up at the start of May last year, 05/04/2020 Washington’s Asian ‘murder hornets’ will probably kill us all 05/02/2020 Murder Hornets in the U.S.: The Rush to Stop the Asian Giant Hornet.
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